Tuesday, November 24, 2009

911 Detainess: Should they be put on the biggest stage in America?

Should the detainees from the 911 attacks be tried in New York, just a few blocks from the Twin Towers? I think this is horrible thing to do. First of all, too remind New Yorkers everyday of the things that went on that grim day, is a travesty. Too think there is going to be reporters from all over the world broadcasting the trials. The media coverage will be everywhere New Yorker's look, and we look across America. To put these animals on the biggest stage in America is unbelievable. They do not deserve this stage or any for that matter. If they were going to be brought to trial, they should of set up a make shift court room in Guantanamo bay. Why anyone in their right mind would put them in the biggest media market in the United States and maybe the world.
I hate to say there are politics in involved, but there always is. I just do not know how this could help the White House in any way. I really do not know why anyone would think this is the right thing to do. If someone knows please let me know.
Then there is the question of them getting acquitted of all charges, because of the torture they went through in prison. Poor little terrorists were tortured in prison. First of all, they will never get off. Second of all, does anyone out there think they would make it back to their country alive? I wonder if they will make it through the trial.
This is what I think we should do with them. I know everyone deserves a trial under our law. I just think there should be times where this is not the case. They have admitted to doing the crime for one. Secondly, they are proud of what they have done. Thirdly, they think we should all be dead. Finally, I think the Government should have just made them disappear. They do not deserve all of this media attention. I should not be writing about this right now.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand what my classmate is saying here but to just throw away all our laws would go against what we stand for. What the terrorist did was unbelievable and unforgivable and they should definitely be punished to the highest extent of the law. I definitely agree that they do not deserve to be acquitted because we tortured them but I feel they need some leniency. What we did was almost as ridiculous as what they did. How can we justify killing them if what we did was more inhumane,torture is worse then death.It leaves you wanting to die. I feel that there trail needs to be shown to the public because if it was not then people would start to wonder and it would cause a huge scandal. I also feel that we need to give them a trail in the public because one) what they did was part of their religion, they were taught to think this way from birth. Their government corrupted them into thinking this way and two) the public has the right to see how this trail ends up and to keep a check on the system. The last thing we want is government hiding more from us than it already is. The media is very important and although NY citizens have to suffer, and for that I am truly, sorry but the public needs to know. The way for the public to find out is through the media.
