Monday, October 12, 2009

Glenn Beck, Republican strategist

If we were to think for one minute that mass media does not effect us in anyway. First I would tell you that you are crazy, and then I would tell you to read this blog. This blog was written by Gabriel Winant and Tim Bella from This is a salute to the propaganda king of the world Glen Beck. Single handedly Glen Beck has Turned President Obama into a Russian Nazi that wants to brainwash all of your children. These are some of the words that Glen Beck has instilled in the media and American people. There are several instances where what Glen Beck says one day, is national news the next. Take the word czar, we automatically think Russia. He used over and over again until it stuck. This word which Glen Beck made evil, made it all of the way to the House of Representatives. The word was used very darkly by a Congressman. Next, Glen Beck goes after Cass Sustain, who is going to run the regulatory office in the White House. Mr. Sustain thinks that animals should have rights just like you and I. When Glen Beck gets a hold of it he wants to kill your elders and give animals rights. In regards to this comment another Senator puts a hold on his nomination slowing it down.
These are just a couple of examples from the article.
Truly everyone should read this article on Glenn Beck' it will blow your mind. I can not stand this guy. I think he is a drain on the American people. He goes out and stills much needed oxygen we all need. The problem is the media and American people actually believe him people. It scares me that some crazy person on Fox News could have such an impact on a Presidency.

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